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Dear Friends of the Wetter Foundation. 

This year we celebrate 25 years of the Wetter Foundation’s work in Vietnam and Laos. It’s an opportunity for us all to look back with pride on what has been achieved, but also to reflect on the future.

As Vietnam pursues its rapid economic development, conditions for charity work have become more challenging. Furthermore, our partner in Vietnam Mr. Son, and myself are not getting younger. Therefore, after long reflection, we have reluctantly decided to dissolve the Foundation.

For us, it was a difficult and emotional decision, but it was made a little easier knowing that our work will continue through The Child’s Dream Foundation based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Wetter Foundation has successfully carried out ten joint projects with Child’s Dream. We have known the founders personally over many years – both Swiss - Marc Jenni and Daniel Siegfried. And they very actively share the spirit and goal of the Wetter Foundation - to give children in deprived areas access to education.

For us, together with you, it has been an immensely rewarding journey. It would mean so much to us if you could continue to give your support for child education through Child’s Dreams.

They will receive the balance of the funds of the Wetter Foundation. Simply write to or if you want to receive further information about their work or on how to donate.


In our last letter we gave you a little information about The Child’s Dream Foundation ( but now we would like Marc and Daniel to present Child’s Dreams in more detail to you:

November 2023

Child’s Dream was established exactly 20 years ago as a tax-exempt Swiss Charitable organization by Daniel and Marc. We exist to ensure that children and young adults in the Mekong Sub-Region, affected by inequality, grow up to be healthy and have access to quality education and employment opportunities. To achieve this, we design, implement, and partner to support interventions in Myanmar, Cambodia, LaoPDR, and Thailand. These interventions focus on education, employability, youth empowerment and leadership, and basic and essential healthcare. We are very proud of our lean structure and we only spend approximately 6% of our donations on administration.


Among many other educational interventions, we have built close to 500 schools and boarding houses over the last 20 years, some of them for the Wetter Foundation in Laos. Please find more information in the following presentation:

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We thank you very much for your generous donations and unwavering support over the past 25 years. With your help, we were able to complete over 100 projects to give over 30.000 children much-needed access to education, and hopefully a better future.

Very truly yours


pour les enfants de l’Indochine

Rolf Kuehne

Christiane Kuehne

 Hoang Son

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